BOSS Business Suite
The Office BOSS Business Suite ™ is a complete solution for customer shipping, PMB management, online payments, and Parcel Management, all while improving your customer experience and lowering overhead labor costs. With online data communications, all components of the BOSS Business Suite work synergistically sharing customer account data, parcel status, shipment status and payment status.
BOSS Kiosk ®—Self-Serve Shipping Kiosk. In-store, high parcel processing, no labor! It’s a no-brainer. Address your in-store highest and fastest growing cost: Labor! Add a BOSS Kiosk to your store and reduce your customer wait-time to zero! Fully compatible with Postalmate ®–this system does not replace your in-house system but works as a seamless supplement!
BPM – BOSS Parcel Management Display System: Grabs your existing Postamlate® and PIMMS® parcel data and displays it for easy comprehension! In a glance, see the status of parcel number ready for pickup, late parcel fees due, excess parcel fees due, vendor ship times! Put a BPM Display in your mail room! Put another at your front counter! Your employees will find it invaluable and a great time saver! Your customers will love it from the first day forward!
BOSS Kiosk APP – Online and on your customer’s phone– iOS and Android. The BOSS Kiosk APP does everything the BPM does in communicating Account and Parcel data, but conveniently on your cell phone! PLUS, your customers can pay for their PMB renewal, pay for late fees, renew their PMB box, pay for excess parcel fees… all on their phone. Just collect the money! No Labor!
BOSS Inventory APP – Yes, just for your Business Management! Is it agonizing for you to perform your annual inventory? Want a better way to evaluate your product pricing, update margins and evaluate data problems? The BOSS Inventory APP takes Product Management to the cloud…and your phone. Download the Inventory APP and your phone becomes a product scanner, quantity update, product alert! Works seamlessly with your existing Postalmate® Inventory!
BOSS TOOLS – One Tool to Bind them ALL! BOSS Tools are a grouping of essentials for managing your customer data, tracking excess parcel payments, uploading, and refreshing the inventory database, and much more… For Back Office Operations and Front Office Customer data lookup, the BOSS Tools are invaluable at saving time! The data is yours! Make it easy to use!
Copyright © 2024-2025, The Office Boss, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
BOSS Kiosk ® is a registered trademark of The Office BOSS Inc. Postalmate ® is a registered trademark of PCSynergy, Inc. ®